[Smashy the Hammer] [An Aspiring Luddite]
I carry no phone
An aspiring Luddite
In a wired world.
[Jeff Berry]
Jeff Berry is an early adopter of the Internet and the Web, a late adopter of Twitter, and declines to adopt Facebook. With the death of Google+, he's experimenting with federated platforms . He admins a medievalist Mastodon instance, and can found on the PlusPora diaspora pod. He hates cell-phones.

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Another Useful Improvement
Our conservatory leaked. Not a lot, but it leaked. If the rain was heavy, and especially if the wind was from the west, it leaked. This made it less useful than it might otherwise have been, since:
  1. we didn't want to put anything out there that was too vulnerable to a little water, and
  2. when it was raining heavily, especially if the wind was from the west, we scrambled to put containers under the main leaks and towels in other places
This was a pity, since the room was otherwise pretty nice. The roof was crap, of course. Flat, so the rain didn't run off properly. (See above, re: leaking.) It was one of those polycarbonate things which are supposed to be transparent but which really are just dingy. Poorly insulated. Low. Basically just gross. We could have put up with most of that, except the leaky part. That was a bridge too far. And the leaks were water under that bridge too far. Perhaps I'll stop stretching that metaphor now.

We had considered various grandiose options - replace the roof with a deck, accessible from the inside; or from the outside; or something like that. However, we managed to talk ourselves down, and my wife found a company that would be able to do a wooden frame roof, with a pitch to it, well insulated, and tiled with tiles made from recycled plastic. The result, I think you'll agree, is far more attractive. It's a bit higher near the house. Most importantly, of course, it doesn't leak.

We are pretty sure it doesn't leak, because last week we had an enormous rainstorm pass through. One report says we got as much as 50mm in about two hours. This is enough water to flood our garage. (Because of poor placement and design of that feature. Add that to the repair and upgrade queue.) But! The conservatory remained dry!

We also got new chairs.

Luddite'sLog, 24 June 2020
© 2020 Jeff Berry

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