[Smashy the Hammer] [An Aspiring Luddite]
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An aspiring Luddite
In a wired world.
[Jeff Berry]
Jeff Berry is an early adopter of the Internet and the Web, a late adopter of Twitter, and declines to adopt Facebook. With the death of Google+, he's experimenting with federated platforms. He admins a medievalist Mastodon instance, and can found on t he PlusPora diaspora pod. He hates cell-phones.

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Planning Food for Musicians

I'll be running the kitchen a Baht 'at Bardic next September and have started to play around with recipes and menus. I already wrote about two recipes that I'd like to do, but now I need to come up with some more and get a rough plan in shape.

One I looked at the Votte Lombarde, I got sucked into Le Vivendier and that led me to decide, or at least slip into, doing most of the recipes from French language sources - meaning Le Vivendier, La Viandier de Taillevent, and Chiquart's Du fait de cuisine. (Although I'm not eschewing English sources to round out the menu.)

I've got between three and five meals to make, depending on how you count.

  • Friday night Travellers' Fare
  • Saturday breakfast
  • Saturday feast/main meal in the early afternoon
  • Saturday night snacky bits
  • Sunday breakfast

Saturday Breakfast

  • Votte lombarde - sweet eggs and cheese, custardy
  • Malaches - essentially black pudding
  • Sawgeat - eggs with sage and sausage (or sage-y sausage)
  • Bread - bought in
  • Scones - I might make scones, why not?
  • Butter/Spread, jam
  • Tea and coffee - because I'd like to survive the weekend

Sunday Breakfast

  • Much like Saturday breakfast, only with leftovers, too
Now is where it gets interesting. I have a bunch of recipes, and had made a tentative plan with them. However, we can't get into the site until relatively late on Friday, so a couple of the things that I had planned - pottages, mainly - would have to be made ahead and reheated rather than cooked on site. Which is not impossible, but might be tricky. The original plan was:

Friday night

  • Hungarian broth - a pork dish, with added root veg to make a stew
  • caboches in potage - cooked cabbage
  • crettone of beans - a bean pottage

Saturday feast, in two courses

  • First Course
    • rys en galle - actually pasta, orzo basically, with cheese
    • spinache - either puréed or yfried
    • chicken - with a sauce or two
    • pommys morles - sweet apple and rice dish
  • Second Course
    • fish cuminade - fish in cumin sauce
    • char de mouton - lamb (or mutton) in sauce
    • fritours of herbs - went down a treat at Flintmoot a while back
    • pise of almayne - split pea dish

Saturday evening

  • Almond flans
  • fresse - strawberry pastry
  • farsir oes - stuffed eggs
  • fruits and nuts
There are a few things that I still need to consider.

First, I need to check to make sure I've got enough dishes to handle the big two dietary restrictions - vegetarian and gluten-free. My general philosophy is not to make substitutions or replacement dishes, rather I try to make sure that there's enough food and decent options already available.

Second, I need to review the kitchen and make sure it's got facilities to make all this stuff.

Third, as noted above, I need to reconsider the plan for Friday night. Maybe do some pies that can be made ahead, or move the rys en galle over. Or do vermiseax de cecille, which is just vermicelli pasta with cheese. (Although I'd probably cheat and do spaghetti or linguine simply because it's less fiddly.)

Fourth, I usually try to have at least a dish or two in each course that can go out cold. That way if I do run into issues with the cooking devices, there's still something that go out. The pommys morles, essentially an apple-and-rice pudding, could go out cold, but everything else is at least notionally hot.

In any case, a good start!

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Luddite'sLog, 14 December 2023
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